
16 Oct

This week, I’ve been losing.

Losing my mind. Losing my cool. Losing my patience.  Generally, losing at life and at being a good person.

I’ve been tired, frustrated and bent out of shape.  I’ve been unreasonable.  If we’ve talked this week, I’ve probably yelled at you, or at least snapped. I’m sure I yawned mid-conversation. If we’ve texted, I’m quite sure mine were riddled with typos, because this was a week where every iota of my energy, thoughts, and efforts where shuttled somewhere other than maintaining any sense of decorum.

I can’t even bring myself to type the reason why, because it’s all I’ve thought about for four days.  I’ll link it for those curious, and then I’ll say a prayer that it is only every curiosity for you and never reality. I’ll also happily, loudly and gratefully say that it was insanely minor… and over. OVER.  Over, never to come back again to my house because otherwise I will burn it to the ground. And, that it only impacted one of us. NOT ME.  Someone who’s name rhymes with “pa-doucas” and goes to pre-school.

Oh and also, my tire exploded last night when I left the office.  And I got to sit on the side of the road for nearly three hours waiting for roadside assistance, because of course I did.

But guess what, this week is OVER.  And tomorrow is Saturday and I’ve decided that my personal pity party expires at 5pm today.

So see ya on the flip side, where I’ll surely be a much nicer person.


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