Tim’s Part-Time Job

13 Jun

I wrote before about my part-time job as a closet organizer.  Well, what I didn’t tell you is that Tim has a part-time job too.  He moonlights as a dog groomer.

Every weekend, he pulls out the table and sets up a grooming station in our living room.  Tali hides from the table and requires much bribery to stand quietly while he gets brushed – teeth and fur.  It’s about a twenty/thirty minute job and Tim usually does it while I’m blogging and the baby naps.

Next week, I’ll write about how we are both leaving our jobs to open up a sweater shop with clothing knitted from Tali’s fur (picture below showcases the amount of fur from one brushing session).

2 Responses to “Tim’s Part-Time Job”

  1. Teresa June 13, 2011 at 4:48 pm #

    I remember those days with Merlin. We had one person feeding him Cheerios while another brushed him!!

  2. GiGi June 13, 2011 at 8:26 pm #

    And just think, you could both moonlight as “excavators” as you discover the remains of Tali’s inhalations!

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